Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Roy – the best cowboy!

So, he is the first! My first experience in soft textile sculpting and my really first drawing. Really! I failed drawing class at school. But, I always had the passion to do this. So, the first step is done!

Roy has a lasso and a hat, just like any proper cowboy should. And what kind of cowboy would he be if he wasn’t tempted by a shot of scotch?






Friday, 8 February 2013

Spice Girl - Chocolate.


Chocolate – last one from my Spice Girls collection. To be continued! Promise!

Circle print on this chocolate colour fabric make he look like an Aero Chocolate. To enhance her fluffiness I decided to make a tulle petticoat . Truffle like sleeves were a surprise for me. When I started with them I had no idea of the final result .

Cake- It was fun making it. I’m going to order felt and make a whole bakery of cakes, they look real from afar!

When asked which image she represents, my husband replied- Donut!  Haha, apparently the circle print confused him! In his defence, she didn’t have a cake when he first saw her. Enjoy!


Thursday, 7 February 2013

Spice Girl – Orange.

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Continuing with the Spice Girls streak. Today is Orange!

As you can see I found good use for the orange print fabric. And I had the perfect buttons to match. Time to dry the oranges – 6 hours in the oven on 200F. The house smelled fantastic the whole day! Put everything together – and voila – Orange spice Girl!DSC_1075 DSC_1081DSC_1082DSC_1083DSC_1078

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Decision has been made! Решение принято!

Let the changes begin! I made a decision of splitting my blog into two. One is for my Russian readers and leave the existing one for the English speaking audience. I have news and surprises for each blog ! Stay tuned!

Итак, настало время перемен! Я приняла решение разделить мой блог на русскоязычный - "Ветер перемен" и оставить уже имеющийся для моей англоязычной аудитории. Для каждого блога я приготовила сюрпризы и новости. Не пропустите!